Soal UP Pedagogy dan Professional UKMPPG Tahun 2020 Mapel Bahasa Inggris - Miss Nana

Soal UP Pedagogy dan Professional UKMPPG Tahun 2020 Mapel Bahasa Inggris

Jumat, 17 September 2021

Soal UP Pedagogy dan Professional UKMPPG Tahun 2020 Mapel Bahasa Inggris

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Halo sobat guru.. berikut adalah bentuk soal kompetensi Pedagogy dan Professional UP UKMPPG Tahun 2020 lengkap dengan jawabannya. Soal ini berdasarkan kisi-kisi soal UP UKMPPG Tahun 2020.


1. As a teacher, he or she must show loyalty and care in educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, assessing, and evaluating students. In addition, he or she must also show high appreciation for the following matters, except:
a. language
b. politics
c. social
d. culture
e. security

2. Mr. Rommy’s learning objectives are to enable his students to generate ideas and organize the ideas for their essay on advantages and disadvantages of gadgets for learning. Which instructional activities would potentially optimize his student learning?
a. Brainstorming and rearranging jumbled
b. Note taking and dicto-composing activities
c. Flow charting and cluster mapping
d. Mind mapping and idea outlining
e. Table making and idea listing

3. Based on the indicator that follows: “Students act out a dialog to express meanings on a series of photographs depicting a metamorphosis of an animal using appropriate language and idea development”, the most appropriate scoring criteria relevant to the assessment procedure include….
a. content, organization, language, and interaction
b. language, intelligibility, naturalness, and expression
c. information, organization, naturalness, and content
d. grammar, pronunciation, accuracy, and diction
e. clarity, information, accuracy, and vocabulary

4. What is your attitude towards teachers who do learning using threat and violence to students in order to improve student superior achievement?
a. Strongly disagree with the teacher's actions in order to improve student superior achievement.
b. Disagree with the model used by teachers in improve student superior achievement.
c. Simply agree with the teacher's actions for improve student superior achievement.
d. Agree with the learning activities carried out by the teacher for improvement student superior achievement.
e. Strongly agree with the teacher's actions in helping improvement student superior achievement.

5. Handoyo is a type of a field-dependent learner who tends to be good at interpersonal relationships. To optimize his learning of English, Ms. Yuli can set up learning environments for him which provides him with an ample opportunity to…..
a. work on individually
b. finalize tasks in details
c. compete in doing tasks
d. perform under pressure
e. accomplish tasks in teams

6. A student was caught carrying a cell phone to school. Though school actually has given written warnings and rules not to bring cell phones to school. As a teacher who is obliged to provide education, how do you respond to these problems?
a. Calling students and advising him not to bring cell phones when in the school environment because it will interfere with the concentration of learning.
b. If you know that a student is carrying a cellphone, immediately convey it
this is the homeroom teacher and the guidance and counseling teacher to obtain further handling.
c. I will be more active in preventing students from carrying cellphones when at school by checking before the bell enters the classroom and confiscated the cellphone for a while.
d. I met students who brought cellphones at school and at class and give a direct warning in the hope of not repeating it these violations.
e. Grabbed the cellphone and called the student's parents to come along remind their children not to bring cellphones to school.

7. Motivation has been the centre of attention among teachers throughout the years because it constitutes the backbone of learning process. Learning is a complicated and dynamic process, and learning in real sense gets completed through motivation.
The underlined part constitutes the backbone of in the passage may be best rephrased as….
a. Sets up a strong basis for
b. Becomes the structure of
c. Plays a pivotal role in
d. Makes it important for
e. Establishes a firm ground to

8. To facilitate students to have sufficient practice in guessing the content of a reading passage, a teacher can make the best use of activities in which the students _______.
a. relate the accompanying pictures with the content
b. use a flowchart mapping the content of the passage
c. answer several comprehension questions provided
d. complete a table containing the passage outline
e. rearrange jumbled paragraphs of the passage

9. As the counter balance to linguistic competence, formulaic competence refers to chunks of language that speakers use heavily in everyday interactions. It includes the following EXCEPT ….
a. idioms
b. routines
c. turn-taking
d. collocations
e. lexical frames

10. One day, you are in charge of as a standby teacher whose job is to fine anyone coming late to school including all teachers, students and staff. There is a student coming late and his mother begs you not to give her son certificate of violation point. What will you do?
a. Fulfill his mother request and keep it secret.
b. Still make a certificate of violation point according to the rules but it is not necessary to report it to the principal.
c. Keep making a certificate of violation point according to the rules and report it to the principal.
d. Do not need to write the certificate of violation point of violation.
e. Do not need to write the certificate of violation point of violation because it is not an important thing to do.

11. You are assigned to work at an underdeveloped school, poor teaching and learning activities, lack of media and learning resources, as well as low motivation student. What efforts are you going to do there to deal with this?
a. I will sacrifice myself trying my best and my mind to find new ways to develop the school.
b. I invite the school committee to participate in the procurement of media and resources.
c. I suggest to the education office to prioritize the program for this school.
d. I asked the principal and teachers to improve the school quality.
e. I will list the school need and write it on the newspaper.

12. Boni is absent minded when Ms. Rina asks him the topic with which the class is dealing. What follows is a set of appropriate empathetic communication strategies she can do, except…..
a. Repeating the question to help him answer the question.
b. Asking the whole class to help him answer the question.
c. Asking him whether he understands the question well.
d. Telling him to ask her questions about unclear points.
e. Asking him whether he is fine enough to join the class.

13. Often in teamwork, groups have conflicting views with your opinion, the statement that best describes your reaction is…
a. Leave the group, because I cannot accept that decision contrary to belief.
b. Keep joining the group, but secretly expecting the group fail to do what you decide.
c. Stay in the group, but follow all activities whole heatedly.
d. Accept group decisions for what they are, but still be critical against the decisions that have been taken.
 e. Fully accept group decisions, and conduct introspection if there is a wrong personal view.

14. At the flag ceremony to commemorate Indonesia independence day, you become the head of the ceremony. If you were given the freedom to choose the theme describe  dat the event, then what would you choose?
a. Maintaining the unity, integrity, and interests and safety of Indonesia.
b. Exploring self-potential in the millennial era.
c. Combating juvenile delinquency through positive activities.
d. Fight for and achieve goals in various positive ways
e. Creating skills for provision in the world of work.

15. A pretest may be needed in classroom action research, the function of which is _______.
a. to confirm that the problem observed initially is real
b. to know students’ initial ability to be compared later
c. to trace possible causes of the practical problems
d. to determine the appropriate teaching strategy
e. to identify the presence of practical problems

16. Communication strategies are strategies that learners use to overcome communication problems in order to convey their intended meaning. They include the following, EXCEPT
a. paraphrasing
b. substitution
c. coining new words
d. asking for clarification
e. switching to other languages

17. You are accustomed to working fast and regularly, so you often have spare time more after teaching. You see a friend who is having a hard time doing something that had to bed one soon. Your reaction is ...
a. I will help her or him only if she or he asks me to
b. I will keep doing my other activities
c. I will ask him or her to rest and I help him or her to finish the job
d. I will insist on helping her or him
e. I will offer him or her to help finish the job

18. When immoral acts occur in schools between teachers and students, what do you need do?
a. Discuss with the school's internal parties and immediately find asolution.
b. Discuss these events by involving the parties who have an interest in it.
c. Calling teachers and students who do immoral act by giving advice.
d. Notifying the incident to interested parties in order to get help.
e. Let the event disappear naturally so as not embarrassing school.

19. There is a student who always wants to dominate in a study group. He did not give the othermemberstheopportunitytoexpresstheiropinion.Ifanotherfriendleadsandcontrols the discussion, he is trusted by himself and tends to learn by himself. As a teacher, the attitude that will be taken based on the situation above is ....
a. Teachers must be able to explain the important of equality of degrees, rights and human obligations of every human being.
b. Teachers must explain that discriminating against ethnicity is not good.
c. Teacher supports such a student to increase the student’s self-esteem.
d. Teachers must scold such a student without discriminating the religion, belief, gender, social position and skin color.
e. Teachers must ignore such a student because it is not his or her business.

20. Applying portfolio assessments, innovative English teachers expect that they may improve testing processes in the following ways EXCEPT that they ______
a. enhance student and teacher involvement in assessment
b. provide opportunities for teachers to observe students in various contexts
c. permit the assessment of the multiple dimensions of language learning
d. provide opportunities for both students and teachers to work together
e. reflect on what to do to assess students’ language mastery

21. Mr.Rommy’s learning objectives are to enable his students to generate ideas and organize the ideas for their essay on advantages and disadvantages of gadgets for learning. Which instructional activities would potentially optimize his student learning?
a. Brainstorming and rearranging jumbled sentences
b. Note taking and dicto- composing activities
c. Flow charting and cluster mapping
d. Mind mapping and idea out lining
e. Table making and idea listing

22. Consider the following statements:
1) To help a school principal to improve the quality of the school facilities.
2) To provide opportunities for students to reflect their learning and plan further action
3) To help a teacher to measure students’ achievement in terms of core and basic competencies
4) To let students, think about appropriate learning strategies to improve their competence
5) To give comprehensive information of students’ achievement. Which statements characterize ‘assessment as learning’?
a. (2) and(5)
b. (3) and(5)
c. (1) and(3)
d. (2) and (4)

23.  In writing the learning objectives it is necessary to pay attention to the following things except 
a. audience
b. behavior
c. class
d. degree
e. empathy

24. A teacher who wants to have distance learning involving not only spoken but also pictographic images which enable them to have face-to-face idea exchanges can most appropriately utilize EXCEPT….
a. skype
b. short message services
c. multimedia language laboratory
d. teleconference
e. google messenger

25. From the result of observation in one class, a teacher found that some students liked listening to the lesson material, while other students preferred to see something that the teacher demonstrated. So in developing the lesson plan and media / learning aids, the teacher should choose media that is .....
a. Audio
b. Visual
c. Kinesthetic
d. Audio – visual
e. Audio –kinesthetic

26. In formulating indicators of competency achievement, the teacher must use operational verbs. Which of the following indicators is incorrect?
a. Mentioning politely and confidently behavior in communicating about greetings, leave takings, thanking and apologizing.
b. Identifying social functions, text structure and linguistic elements in greeting leave takings, thanking and apologizing and responding according to the context of their use.
c. Compiling an oral text on expressions of greeting, leave takings, thanking and apologizing.
d. Knowing polite and confident behavior in communicating about greetings, leave takings, thanking and apologizing.
e. Performing a role play on greeting leave takings, thanking and apologizing.

27. To facilitate students to have sufficient practice in guessing the content of a reading passage, a teacher can make the best use of activities in which the students….
a. relate the accompanying pictures with the content
b. use a flowchart mapping the content of the passage
c. answer several comprehension questions provided
d. complete a table containing the passage outline
e. rearrange jumbled paragraphs of the passage

28. One of the basic competencies is ‘understanding the social function, generic structure and language features of notice, warning, caution based on their context and usage. What will be the first indicator from the basic competence above?
a. Writing a text about notice warning andcaution
b. Identifying the social function, generic structure and language features ofnotice
c. Playing a role play about giving warning
d. Creating a text on notice, warning and caution
e. Knowing the social function, generic structure and language features of notice

29. The closure step of a lesson plan is a chance to determine whether the students need additional practice or to go over the lesson again. The following are examples of closure in an effective lesson plan, EXCEPT
a. summarizing the characteristics of the lesson
b. discussing new things that the students learned about the lesson
c. giving them a couple of minutes to read or present the lesson to the class
d. asking what information from the lesson the students will find important
e. asking the students to summarize the lesson for students missing the class.

30. Points:
0,0- 0,4 Speech is so halting and fragmentary or has such a non- native flow
that intelligibility is virtually impossible.
0,5-1,4 Numerous non-native pauses and/or a non- native flow that interferes
with intelligibility.
1,5-2,4 Some non-native pauses but with a more nearly native flow so that the
pauses do not interfere with intelligibility.
2,5-3,0 Speech is smooth and effortless, closely approximating that of a native
The list of scoring categories is most suitable for testing the students’ …….
a. Fluency
b. Reading
c. Speaking
d. Pronunciation
e. Spelling

31. None of the students is willing to act out a brief monolog on the danger of mobile phone use in the classroom when Ms. Ramiga asks anyone to come forward. The empathetic communication strategy she may use to make students secure is to tell the class it is OK to make pronunciation mistakes and Ms. Ramiga says .....
a. If you practiced your English more, you will have a better pronunciation
b. If you practice your English more, you will have a better pronunciation
c. If you do not practice your English more, you will have a better pronunciation
d. If you practice your English more, you will not have a better pronunciation
e. If you practiced you English more, you would have a better pronunciation

32. Carl Wieman and colleagues have published evidence that flipping the classroom can produce significant learning gains. They compared two sections of a large- physics  class. The classes were both taught via interactive lecture methods for the majority of the semester.
The word that best completes the missing space is….
a. enroll
b. enroller
c. enrolled
d. enrolling
e. enrollment

Items 33, 34 and 35 are based on the following passage.
The commonly used acronym BICS describes social, conversational language used for oral communication. Also described as social language, this type of communication offers many cues to the listener and is (33). BICS describes the development of conversational fluency in the second language, (34) for students from different linguistic backgrounds to comprehend context-embedded social language readily. English language learners can comprehend social language by observing speakers  (35)gestures, facial expressions and eye actions.

33. Which option best completes(33)?
a. context-embedded language
b. language context-embedded
c. embedded-language context
d. language-embedded context
e. context-language embedded

34. Which option best completes(34)?
a. which takes about two years
b. which it takes about two years
c. which taking about two years
d. which take about two years
e. which to take about two years

35. Which option best completes(35)?
a. Whose their non-verbal behavior show
b. Whose show non-verbal behavior
c. Whose are non-verbal behavior
d. Whose non-verbal behavior
e. Whose non-verbal behavior show

36. In the English teaching learning process under meaning orientation, meaning negotiation is focused in that communication is considered running in so far as you can understand and….
a. understood
b. be under stood
c. are under stood
d. to be under stood
e. being under stood

37. Student: How will we revise our assignment, Mom?
Teacher: You have a chance to revise your writing assignment no later than 13.00 p.m., Friday 27. Late submissions will not be considered, and the grade will be announced as….
What idiom would best complete the conversation above?
a. cut and dried
b. safe and sound
c. fair and square
d. bright and early
e. first and foremost

Items 38 and 39 are based on the following passage.
Flipped Learning allows for a variety of learning modes; educators often physically rearrange their learning spaces to accommodate a lesson or unit, to support either group work or independent study. They create flexible spaces in which students choose when and where they learn. Furthermore, educators who flip their classes are flexible in their expectations of student timelines for learning and in their assessments of student learning.

38. The underlined word ‘allows for’ is synonymous with….
a. hold
b. spare
c. let
d. stay
e. settle

39. The antonym of the underlined word ‘flexible’ is….
a. lenient
b. stringent
c. suitable
d. deficient
e. convenient

40. Some troublemakers exist around here; you will not be able to improve yourbusiness.
a. As soon as
b. As long as
c. By the time
d. Until
e. After

41. In the 21st century, students from all levels of education face extreme global competition, technology that is driven by information, and rapid media-saturation. These dramatic acceleration challenges are the reason with the skills needed in the era of  globalization.
a. How the educational system must prepare students
b. How must the educational system prepare students
c. why the educational system must prepare students
d. why must the educational system prepare students
e. why do the educational system must prepare students

The following text intends to 42 and 43.
The World Bank assessed Indonesia as well positioned to deal effectively with the risk of global financial and capital market volatility, which is still considered the biggest threat to macroeconomic stability as the faster-than-expected normalization of the United States monetary policy could trigger portfolio capital outflows. The second Indonesia Economic Quarterly report for 2018 issued on Wednesday commended Bank Indonesia (BI) for its sound and transparent monetary policy and the Finance Ministry for its prudent fiscal management despite the election year. BI made the right decision when it raised its policy rate by another 25 basis points at the end of May to 4.75 percent.

42. Text above intends to…….
a. Report Indonesia’s position in dealing with global market volatility
b. Inform the results of an assessment on Indonesia economic stability
c. Describe the external threat to micro economic stability in Indonesia
d. Argue about the way in which financial and capital market is managed
e. Discuss the faster- than-expected normalization of this country.

43. The capital outflows in Indonesia capital market could be triggered by……
a. Global financial sudden changes
b. Global macroeconomic stability
c. Annual prudent fiscal management
d. US faster- than- expected normalization
e. Sound and transparent monetary policy

44. Beliefs are  the  intermediary  between  knowledge and action They exhibit the knowledge that is most worth and has proven itself inaction. There are core and peripheral beliefs. The core belief is more influential in shaping teachers’ instructional approaches whereas the peripheral one can cause discrepancy between what teachers claim they do and what they actually do in the classroom. This distinction acknowledges the idea of diversity in teachers to reflect their characteristic perspectives to teach in particular ways.
The option that best completes the blank space is ………
a. For one thing
b. As such
c. In addition
d. Primarily
e. Likewise

45. The best arrangement of these sentences to make a logical paragraph is…
1. A good education system must have common goals in every areas of country to provide a suitable and proper learning to its citizens.
2. In such a competitively challenging world, it is a must for all to have good education.
3. A country cannot grow and develop without the individual growth and development of its citizens.
4. Also, some people have not enough skill to earn money for their daily routine just because of the lack of proper education system.
5. Thus, the development of any country depends hugely on the education standard available to its citizens.
6. Therefore, we should try to have equal opportunities of good education system for everyone.
7. But, because of the lack of knowledge and skills, some people are uneducated and living painful life.
a. 1 – 7 – 4 – 3 – 6 – 5 –2
b. 2 – 6 – 7 – 4 – 3 – 5 – 1
c. 2 – 7 – 4 – 6 – 3 – 5 – 1
d. 1 – 6 – 4 – 7 – 2 – 3 –5
e. 3 – 5 – 7 – 4 – 6 – 2 – 1

46. The meaning that best expresses the following conditional sentence is ______
The students would not finish their work even if the teacher was there
a. The students would not have finished their work even if the teacher would have been there
b. The students would not have finished their work even if the teacher had been there
c. The students would not have finished their work even if the teacher were there
d. The students had not finished their work even if the teacher would not be there
e. The students had not finished their work even if the teacher were there

47. What would be the best option complete the blank?
X: Have you ever been to Australia? 
Y: Yes, I have been there once
X: ..................................  
Y: by plane.
a. How will you go there?
b. How do you go there?
c. How are you going there?
d. How did you go there?
e. How have you gone there?

48. The best meaning from this conditional sentence is ...
       If I study hard, I would pass the exam.
a. I pass the exam since I study hard
b. I will pass the exam because I have studied hard
c. I do not pass the exam because I do not study hard
d. I do not pass the exam although I have studied hard
e. I pass the exam although I study hard

49. The following group of words belong to the same…
       preach – priest – pretty – prepare – prefer
a. b-r initial cluster words
b. f-r initial cluster words
c. s-r initial cluster words
d. p-r initial cluster words
e. g-r initial cluster words

50. What will best complete the blank?
      X: Shella, what is the best birthday gift for Sisca?
      Y: she likes playing guitar,________, why don’t you buy something related to her hobby?
a. Allright
b. well
c. okay
d. you know
e. anyway


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